Card Stock: Perfect Plum, Fine Linen, The Boyfriend (Cosmo Cricket)
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, Perfect Plum
Accessories: Labels 14 (Spellbinders), Buttons (SU), Foam Tape, Tan Scrapper's Floss, Mini Glue Dots
Yesterday I mentioned about something keeping me busy. The something I was referring to is that Lance has started his insulin pump therapy. Everything is all new right now, so sugars are still being "tweaked". I have to check Lance approximately every 3 hours...even through the night. (Lack of sleep = not much desire to stamp). I'm sure next week will be easier. It is all worth it, though, as Lance is loving it so far!

Check out what arrived from FedEx yesterday. I LOVE new toys! ☺

Thanks for stopping by today! I hope your weekend is wonderful, and...if you're off on spring break...be safe, and have fun! ;)
Oh my! I was thinking a new DT was keeping you busy! ((((HUGS)))) to you all!
Great card and sentiment!
Wow, that's a killer when you get interrupted sleep like that! I wouldn't feel like stamping either. It will all be worth it once he's adjusted to the pump. Hang in there!
Simple but cute card!
I'm thinking of you and your family as you adjust to getting Lance's sugars right with the pump Rose Ann! Lack of sleep is no fun...but hopefully soon it will bring a new freedom to all of you!
Great card too :) I love that paper it's perfect for the sentiment!
Love the purple and green on your card! And I am thinking I need this Labels 14 die! It's so elegant on your card! Sorry you are having some sleepless nights. Diabetes is never fun, and its not fair for a child to have to deal with it. But, I know that even in this God has a purpose. Someday he may be able to help someone else through this since he has been there. But, I will be praying that things get easier for you and Lance. Those pumps are cool though. {{hugs}} Rose Ann. I've missed blogging and especially YOU!
this is another beautiful card and papers, love the layout Rose Ann, I hope your little boy keeps well, The Lord will look after him, he looks very like you hugzz xx ps Happy Mother's day {uk}
This is lovely esp. with that fun DP! Hope your boy gets his sugars worked out! And I am all about sleepless nights...one day Ave will figure it out (I hope!).
Thinking of you while Lance adjusts to the pump. I'm sure those sleepless nights will be worth it in the long run. Your card is so fun - love the color combo.
Good luck with Lance and his pump Rose Ann. Love your card!!~
Stunning! You know me- I love nothing better than a well-designed simple card and this was fits the bill! That paper is perfect for the sentiment! Love when I have just the thing. Best wishes to you and your son while he gets used to his new pumped. Everyone that I know that has one really feels it makes their lives better! How are you enjoying your a|s catalog?
Great card Rose Ann! Glad to hear Lance is adjusting to his pump, hope it gets easier very soon.
Lance is LOVING it? Wow, what a great li'l guy you have there Rose Ann! =) Good spirits helps a lot. Hope you get more sleep soon! Your card is cute- those papers match perfectly with the sentiment.
Hugs for your little guy and your rough sleep schedule. Beautiful sentiment on your card, and GREEN with envy about your iPad. I just cannot bring myself to pull the trigger just yet. Let me know how you like it. Push me off the cliff! LOL!
Awesome new toy you have there, enjoy! I love your beautiful card and those cute little buttons too! So happy that Lance is liking the insulin pump, I've heard so many good things about it and that after a while, it seems effortless unlike the syringe and bottle way, my DH hasn't levitated towards the pump quite just yet but he does know about it. Thanks for sharing the photo of the pump!
What a great, simple card - I totally love the colors purple and green together! Best of luck with the new pump...looks like Lance is liking it in the photo!
And what is that new toy? It's hard for me to tell. Of course, I'm not that tech savvy, so I'm embarassed to even ask, lol! Whatever it is, enjoy!!
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