Oh my goodness! I didn't find out until today (thanks to Sue)...that my name was randomly chosen as the grand prize winner for the Flourishes Strut Your Stuff that was held at SCS!!!
I really enjoyed creating for the promotion, but wasn't expecting to win at all. Wow...I am still in shock! Thanks Jan Marie, Nancy, and Sharon! You all rock...and so do your stamps!
Whoohoo! Congrats!!!! How exciting!
Awesome! Cool prize too :)
Congrats! That's SO exciting!!!
Yippie! What a treat! Couln't have happened to a nicer stamper either! Hugs, Deb
congrats! that has to make you happy!
That's awesome! HOW FUN!!!
OMG, that is wonderfull, I am so happy for you.
yea for you!!
YEA!!! Congratulations!
Congratulations!! Your cards are gorgeous!
Yay! Congrats on your win! :)
Well, the drawing may have been randon, but you are certainly worthy of the honor!!! Your work with the Flourishes sets is just fabulous!!! Congrats on winning such a nice prize!!!
Congrats Rose Ann!! How exciting for you!! :)
YAH! Congrats Rose Ann! Your work is FANTASTIC and you know I ADORE all of it! You deserve to win!!!! Big hugs to you!
CONGRATULATIONS, ROSE ANN! You are so very deserving! You must be so-o-o excited!
Way to go!!! Big congrats!!!
Wohoo! That is exciting. I look forward to seeing what you create with all the goodies.
WHOOOO HOOOOOO your go girlfriend ... I personally loved all your cards you submitted ..
Dawn Griffith
Congratulations, you so deserve this you did a great job!
Wow, Congrats!!!!
Wow!! Congratulations, Rose Ann! Your cards for that fun challenge were absolutely beautiful! I saw some of your work in their customer card gallery, too. Wonderful!
Congratulations!!! :-)
Hooray!! How cool is that!!?!
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