Okay, so my question of the day is....what do you call these? My sister always calls them belly buttons. Kind of cute, but silly. These are small pretzels with Hershey's Kisses (baked at 200° for 8 minutes) with M & M's pressed into them. I made these for Valentines' Day, and they didn't last long, so...I had to make another batch. They are yummy, and quick & easy to make.
Edited to add: There are some yummy sounding variations of this treat in the comments area. Thanks Amy and Anonymous. :)
I think these should be called 'in my belly' instead of belly buttons cause in my belly would be right where these would be!!
these look yummy! i'm gonna have to make them for us this weekend!
These look great!!! So how do you make them??? Lay pretzels, put a kiss on top, bake in oven for 8 min, take them out and press one MM into middle? Please let me know, thanks.
They are made exactly how you asked. If you keep your chocolate in the fridge (like we do), just add a couple of minutes to the baking time. The little square grid-like pretzels work best. Enjoy!
Hi, this is my first time at your blog, I saw this post mentioned on Nichole Heady's blog, but I wanted to give my .02 on the pretzel thingys. Ok, pretzel thingies is usually what I call them. I have heard them called "bulls-eyes" before also. I use ring (circle) pretzels and Hugs instead of Kisses, I like the white/milk chocolate mix. The hardest part of making these is how long it takes them to harden back up to take them off the tray. I do them for all holidays, using the appropriate color M&M's. Great post and great blog!
Amy in Michigan
Those look delicious! Have you ever substituted the kiss with a Rolo and put a pecan half on the top? Those are way yummy! I'm going to try them this way too. Thanks for sharing those!
can you add feedblitz to your site?
ack! i would call them GONE!
i heard they are also called owl eyes
I just found your blog. The only thing better than Stampin is Stampin and eating chocolate! Thanks for the recipe. I've never seen these before. Would love to have more neat recipes to serve at parties like this one. Keep on Stampin!
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